Our Goal
Produce the highest quality consumer trade shows in the Tri-State area for all of our vendors, partners and attendees, while remaining dedicated to supporting the local communities in which our events are held.
Guiding Principles
Erie Promotions & Expos has produced a multitude of consumer trade shows and special events throughout the past 35 years in Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio. We have built our reputation by working with our vendors and partners before, during and after every event to offer quality consumer shows for our communities. During these trying times that fact does not change.
In our efforts to prepare for the upcoming show season and acknowledge the challenges presented by COVID-19, we have been working hard to implement the recommendations provided by our health officials; federal, state and local governments, in addition to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) while utilizing our strategic alliances with marketing partners to communicate with everyone that helps to make our shows successful.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, attending indoor events is inherently dangerous, event when those events are conducted in an appropriate and proper manner. Attendees at Erie Promotions events understand and acknowledge that attendance at events may cause COVID-19 and assume the risk associated when attending Erie Promotions events. Erie Promotions shall not be held legally responsible if an attendee contracts COVID-19 subsequent to attendance at an Erie Promotions event.
Safety Guidelines
The following measures have been put in place for our upcoming shows. As state and federal guidelines are defined, we will continue to update this list.
- Vendor entrances and registration areas have been relocated and separated from the main attendee show entrance.
- All vendors will be allotted a move in time slot for setting up their booths.
- All vendors are required to have hand sanitizer in their booth locations.
- Vendors are required to clean all high traffic touch spots in their respective booth locations.
- Pre-function areas will be less congested allowing for proper flow of attendees at the entrance and exit.
- Aisles have been added & some increased to allow for more attendee space throughout the event.
- The BCC will be cleaning all high touch points throughout the day & deep cleaning of these areas each evening.
Show Closing & Nightly Cleaning:
- Vendors are encouraged to leave as soon as possible after their booth cleaning and disinfection.
- Increased event staffing to implement increased cleaning and disinfection of surfaces throughout the show & restrooms
- No Dogs:
- Only animals that are an active part of the event or service animals are permitted to be at our shows.
- For those that have to travel with their dogs; the owners will need to complete and sign a liability waiver.