Learn from one of our experts at this year’s show. Check the schedule of events for times and dates of each informative seminar.
schedule of events
Lane Potts
Lane will be hosting a conversation on wildlife diseases in Pennsylvania and current management practices
Stacy Wolbert
Managing the wildlife habitat on your private property to benefit game and non-game species of wildlife.
Sheryl Sundean
Kids Archery range
The Erie County Christian Bowhunters will have an area set up for the kids to learn how to shoot a bow using SAFE Archery bows & arrows.
PA Game Commission
PA Game Wardens & Biologists will be on hand throughout the show to answer and questions you may have.
Pheasants forever
Kids can learn BB Gun safety & take a shot at becoming a marksmen at this years show.
PA Fish & Boat Commission
Stop by the PA Fish & Boat Commission and learn about new rules and regulations for the upcoming season.
Retriever Training
Ongoing demos and training sessions.
Antler Scoring
Bring your buck head in for an official Boone & Crocket score. All racks will be scored by Phil. Please call ahead for scheduling.
PHIL 724-650-7791
Friday, February 17th
2:00 PM
Wildlife diseases & disease management
Lane Potts
PennVet Wildlife
3:00 PM
Managing the wildlife habitat on your private property
Stacy Wolbert
PA Game Commission
4:00 PM
Wildlife diseases & disease management
Lane Potts
PennVet Wildlife
Saturday, February 18th
12:00 PM
Managing the wildlife habitat on your private property
Stacy Wolbert
PA Game Commission
3:00 PM
Managing the wildlife habitat on your private property
Stacy Wolbert
PA Game Commission